ねんどろいど | Nendoroid

ねんどろいど長門有希(消失ver) Nendoroid NagatoYuki

Nendoroid Nagato Yuki


I still haven’t seen “The Vanishing of Suzumiya Haruhi”.
I seems to be a story for Nagato Yuki,
and my friends who like Yuki even want to watch 2 or 3 times!!

Nendoroid Nagato Yuki

ねんどろいど長門有希の1st verが手に入れなかったから、今回は買わざるおえない!! って感じ…..かな。もちろん有希が可愛くてきていたけど、その上に、あるパーツの汎用性が良すぎると感心しました!!コートとマフラーです。

Haven’t got the 1st ver of Nendoroid Yuki.
So, I have to buy this version, anyway.
Of course, Nendoroid Yuki is cute, but the coat and scarf is extremely useful!!!!!

Nendoroid Nagato Yuki / Saber Lily
Nendoroid Nagato Yuki / Snow Miku
Nendoroid Nagato Yuki / Nao
Nendoroid Nagato Yuki / Shana
Nendoroid Nagato Yuki / Kureha
Nendoroid Nagato Yuki / Azusa


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