フィグマ | figma

聖天使神猫降臨 The Holy Angel Kamineko

figma kamineko

何ヶ月前に予約したfigma黒猫 聖天使神猫ver.がやっと届きました。小説「俺の妹がこんなに可愛いわけがない#8」に、黒猫が主人公高坂京介とデートする衣装です。両目に違い色のカラコンを着て、大好きな架空アニメ「マスケラ」の世界観を彷彿させるマスク、背中を小さいな翼があって、本人曰く「聖天使の衣」を装備し、全く痛々しいまで中二病全開の黒猫さんである。

Have been ordered figma Kuroneko Holy Angel Kamineko ver. for a while, and finally it is arrived!! From the novel “Oreimo #8”, Kuroneko wear this dress while dated with Takasaka Kyousuke. With color contact lens in different color for both eyes, holding a mask inspired by her favorite animation “Maschera”, with a pair of little wings on her back, Kuroneko is what a painful “second-grade syndrome” character in this “Holy Angel Dress” XD

figma kamineko
figma kamineko
figma kamineko
figma kamineko
figma kamineko
figma kamineko


With such a high level sculpture, it should be quite popular even if it is not a limited edition. It seems to me that recently figure companies have much figures to be sell in direct webstore, exclusive preorder as well as limited edition. Overseas consumer even need to pay an extra cost for proxy services, hence the prices are much higher….well… its still better than being an “event limited edition” v_v

figma kamineko


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