Cheerful Japan! ねんどろいどセイバー&凛 Nendoroid Saber & Rin
グッスマのチャリティー企画「Cheerful JAPAN!」よりねんどろいどセイバー&凛です。武内崇先生よりのオリジナルデザイン、可愛いらしいチアガール姿の2人です。
This is the 8th product for GSC’s charity project “Cheerful JAPAN!”. The cutie cheergirl style Saber and Rin are designed and illustrated by Takeuchi Takashi, and transformed into Nendoroid for this special project.
2人も可愛くてアレンジされました。少し幼いの顔つき、楽しそうの笑顔が癒し。上着にそれぞれ”Cheerful JAPAN!”のロゴと、セイバーには鎧の刻印・凛には普段着の十字紋様が印刷されています。青と赤は2人にぴったりの色ですね。
Both of them are cutely arranged in nendo form, and smiling happily. Their tank tops printed with the logo of “Cheerful JAPAN!”, Saber has the pattern from her armor, and Rin has the white cross from her ordinary blouse.
The box also come with a banner.
The lazy face for exchange also adorable! Its a classic and must-have parts for fate characters since the beginning of nendoroid series.
以上、Cheerful Japan! ねんどろいど応援セイバー&凛でした。
This is all for Cheerful Japan! Nendoroid Saber and Rin.
Waiting for mine to arrive. The local retailer I ordered at is usually slow in availability.
wish your box would be arrived soon. Btw I do wish to have a nendoroid Rin Tousaka movable edition XD
I second that. Rin would be a good addition so as saber alter and Sakura both movable editions.
BTW, just noticed that the last picture is gorgeous.
Thanks!! It might be not too difficult to mod movable Rin from the movable Saber which have just released with the nendoroid book, but If GSC release movable nendos again, I will be more than happy to buy XD
If they’re planning to release movable Rin, you’re just wasting your time modding one. ^^;
Maybe I should wait until WF 2012 summer to see if there are any announcement XD
Who knows, an exclusive one…