フィグマ | figma

figma ゼノサーガ Xenosaga ep3 KOS-MOS ver.4

figma Kos-Mos ver.4
figma KOS-MOS ver.4買ってきました。

I’m able to get figma KOS-MOS ver.4 in a “normal price” finally. Recently its really hard to grab new figures without pre-order, especially for those figma, nendo and Chokoukin hot items….may consider to pre-order everything else that I want….or even seems to want…

figma Kos-Mos ver.4
figma Kos-Mos ver.4




とは言え、 造形が満足と言えるでしょう。プロポーションも良いし、武器も完備で可動や関節の隠しも良かった。


I didn’t finished PS2 Xenosaga. Just only finished ep1, and stopped in the middle of ep2. I got ep3 but even didnt opened its packing ^^ well….when will I have time to play?!

Maybe you have heard that Xeno ep2’s KOS-MOS figure was really a disaster and being well-known as “邪神モックス”..haha….well. How about the figma ver?

Well, the paint quality was not quite satisfactory to me, and eye print is not as beautiful as beautiful as official photos…but the mold is well-made with full weapons and nice proportion, particularly the ways to hide figma joints.

I wonder if GSC / max factory will release “actsta” ver?

figma Kos-Mos ver.4
figma Kos-Mos ver.4

  • Q

    I have to agree with you that some toys are getting harder to buy; people not only have to rush to shops to buy toys that have just come on stock, but also rush for pre-orders too! x_x

    Even though I have no plans on getting one, figma KOS-MOS has been highly anticipated by fans, so unsatisfactory paint job can be quite a disappointment there. The paint job seems to be something of a trending factor for figma problems recently.

    While there are no news of KOS-MOS getting released for acsta, will you think of getting ALTER’s ALMECHA version?

    1. Yui

      Q, its really crazy nowadays. You know, figma Kos-mos sold out in the mall in 5 minutes!!! (and nendoroid Kuroneko released on the same day sold out 10 sec after the carton box is opened!!)…. in the past, it could be “think before you buy”, and nowadays turn into “don’t even think, just buy, asap!”….. well….

      ALTER’s Almecha is too expensive to me. I do like Kos-mos but I am not so into Xenosaga…maybe I will….if there are some price drop^^;


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