Gift セイバーリリィ Saber Lily
Here comes the Saber Lily from Gift. Originated from GK released in Hobbycon GK 01 (2009) by Toda Satoshi of the Principality of Kagutsuchino, with arrangement and improvements before its re-release in PVC format.
戸田氏のfate PVCでは、オルタもセイバーも桜も交換用頭部があったけど、このリリィだけはないのです。オリジナルイラストのリリィも良いけど、このリリィも凛々しいで美人ですね。顔が3人のセイバーで一番好きかも。
クセが強すぎてグッスマのリリィのように万人受けしそうな物じゃないですね。セイバー好きの友達には何人も戸田氏の造形を受けないですね。私的には満足満足^ ^。次のエクストラは何時くるかな。
Toda-san’s sclupture have his own style. The faces are charm and re-arranged as more real-life like than Anime-like. Armors are also re-designed in his own touch with much details added.
Toda-san’s Saber and Alter’s PVC have bonus head part in different style for change, while Lily do not have one. The original illustration of Lily is pretty, but Toda’s Lily still have a beautiful face ^^.
Seems figures which have too strong personal style may not be acceptable by the majority. Unlike GSC’s Lily, some of my friends (who are fate fans) do not quite like this one. To me, I am fine with this style, and, waiting for Saber Extra to be released in PVC format.