RG ストライク ルージュ Strike Rouge
ガンプラExpo限定品のRG ストライク・ルージュです。ガンダムSEEDの10周年記念のきっかけに、SEEDの製品がどんどん出てきます。種と種命のストーリーが好き嫌いが分けているけど、MSデザインが気に入った人が少なくないでしょう^^….私はストライクもジャスティスもフリーダムも好きかな。限定品だったG.F.F.N.ルージュを買い逃がしてしまったことが激しく後悔だったから、早速RGルージュを手に入れました。
This is a limited RG kit from the recent Gupla Expo. Seem much Gundam Seed products have been riding on the trend of 10th Anniversary for its TV Animation. Well…the story of Seed and Seed Destiny have triggered a lot of debate, but most of the Mechanic designs are timeless master-piece for many ppl. (For me, I like Strike, Freedom and Justice a lot). I was once unable to ordered the limited G.F.F.N. Rouge, hence I can’t let this RG Rouge escape ^^.
This is my first RG, and seems I didn’t make it well XD. Just painted the panel lines, stick those stickers and applied top coat. Its a kit which have perfect separation of different color parts, so its seems doesn’t require much painting if you do not want to. The parts are quite small I I just quite afraid for losing any of them.
All in all, the RG series seems have MG’s detail and movable joints, in a 1:144 ratio. To me its a very good series and I look forward to the next releases!!
Your first RG is a limited RG! That really is quite something there. One can’t always expect to perform something for the first time with flying colours, but it looks pretty good already.
Gundam SEED (and Destiny to an extent) does have some pretty good mecha designs, along with catchy but convincing names that are not made up words.
It’s funny how despite being a limited kit Strike Rouge actually has its own box art; they might as well release it as a normal kit as you’ve said on a forum XD. I really like this line’s attention to details even at 1/144 scale! I have been thinking when I should give this line a try but may or may not start with Freedom. With the small parts I’d need a magnifying glass and some tweezers to get one built like the 1/144 warplanes I have built in the past due to my problematic eyes ^^;
Thanks Q!!
Just wonder If RG release GM, you might probably be purchasing an army of boxes for it XD. RG is really fun to built. Do have a try if you have time…
I may also buy freedom as it looks quite nice. Magnifier may be necessary for processing those stickers orz…