Listen!! starring 秋山澪 Akiyama Mio
る日、偶然Don’t Say LazyのPVを見て、衝撃受けました。鮮烈でカッコ良く、少しレトロでありながらポップな感じがしました。そして、「けいおん!」を見始めました。2期のED – Listen!! もLazyのように、不思議な魅力があって、何度聞いても飽きません。
One day, I was shocked after watching video of “Don’t Say Lazy”. It was vivid and cool. A little bit retro but pop. That was one of the main reason that I am into K-ON. I like the songs in K-ON, especially for all the Ending themes. To me, “Listen!!” do have special attractiveness and I listened “Listen!!” for many many times. Read more “Listen!! starring 秋山澪 Akiyama Mio”