DDミク〜ロミオとシンデレラ DD Miku – Romeo & Cinderella
DD写真を撮るのは3ヶ月ぶりでしたね。いつもお世話になるOrioneさんが作った衣装をゲットし、初音ミクの「ロミオとシンデレラ」をイメージして撮影しました。この曲のメロディが好きてProject Divaで何度も遊んでいましたけど、内容があまり深く考えなかった…調べてみると結構ヤバそうでね(笑)いいですね、そういうの。
I haven’t been taking DD photos for almost 3 month. I have got an outfit from Orione, hence starting to think about the photo of “Romio and Cinderella”, which was originally a song of Hatsune Miku. I love the melody of this song, and have been playing again and again in Project Diva, without thinking much about the lyrics. Having a search on its meaning, I found it quite danger XD, and having much meanings beneath…