ごはんはおかず!! figma HTT “またまた学園祭!”ver. figma mod: K-ON!! #20 ver.
時々ねんどろいどやfigmaなどの改造アディアが思いついだ。ある時は忙しすぎて作る場合じゃない…ある時はコストかかりすぎて断念… ある時は単なる怠けモノ….
そういえば最近、グッスマ(Goodsmile Company)のワンホビ(Wonderful Hobby Life for You)が恒例的なフォトコンがあります。それを機会として何かを作って参加したい、という気持ちもありますし、物を作るのも楽しいだね。
Haven’t do figma mod for a very long time (last time was yukata Saber & Rin….almost one and a half year…) Sometimes I may be too lazy to do so….sometime I have been busying in other stuff….and sometimes maybe the cost for modding is too heavy…
Yet, finally I managed to make K-ON figma mod for joining photo contest of Goodsmile Company. I like episode #20 for the second season of K-ON!! very much. I have made a Tee for DD Mio before, so I also wish to try to make a figma version.
以前はドルフィドリーム澪のために1:3のHTT Tシャツを作った。HTT Tシャツver.のfigmaも欲しくて欲しくて、ついに作りました。今回のフォトコン募集は年末年始の頃、会社もプライベートも大変的な時期だった….落着いたから〆切りまであと一週間、完成できるかどうか…. (汗
The schedule of the photo contest dated from 27 Dec to 14 Jan, which was a very hard moment for my job and my personal stuff….However I am so happy that I could finish modding and submit my photo to GSC on time ^^
After I started, I could managed to finish it smoothly. And I do have some time to make the stage, too. It composed of 16 pieces of A3 papers!
The stage is finished, and I could take a lot of photos.
作り方はfgで公開した。よろしければここでご覧くださいm(_ _)m
I have post the way to mod these figmas on fg. If you have time, take a look here.
If you do not have fg account, you could still have a look for the rest of the photos on flickr.
追記: フォトコン200名の入選作品として選ばれました。ありがとうございます!!
Have been selected as one of the 200 finalist of photo con. Thankyou!!!