一番くじ 秋山澪 Mio Death Devil ver.
けいおん一番くじ2回目、B賞の秋山澪 Death Devil ver.です。劇中で数分間でしか出なく、さわ子先生の代役として結婚式パーティのステージ衣装です。歌も歌わなかったし、演奏さえもしなかったけど、Death Devilの公式イラストが格好良すぎてフィギュア化に選ばれたのかな。
This is the B prize of K-ON Ichibankuji 2nd stage, Mio Akiyama Death Devil ver. It only appeared in the TV episode for several minutes, acted as Death Devil in the wedding party of Swako Sensei’s classmate. Though haven’t sing and play in death devil style, the official illustration is too fantastic for makers to make it as figures.
Well, it seems to me that there are some kind of difference between the figure and the illustration. I can’t really tell until I got the figure in hand….Chun-Li style wristband was added, pony tail in straight hair have changed to wave, and length of inner cloths shortened, and well….she gained some weights!!!!
Seems having said too much on this ^^; however its still a good Mio figure to have. The face and the style is so “Mio”, and its good to look and to shoot from any angle.
yamadaさん、ありがとうございます m(_ _)m
けいおん!のキャラは澪が一番好きだと思う。が、しかし澪のスケールフィギュアをあまり持ってない気がする… なぜでしょう。まあ、いい物が出たらまた買って写真をとります〜!