一番くじ Angel Beats! 天使 Tenshi
バンプレストより一番くじAngel Beats!、A賞の天使です。公式画像をみて、ねんどろいどサイズと思い込んだけど実際はねんぷちサイズでした。箱はデカいですけどね。
This is prize A,Tenshi form Banpresto ichibankji Angel Beats! I tought it was a Nendoroid size product while I saw it on official website, however it turned out to be Nendoroid Petit size in reality. The box was large, though.
Though it is small in size, It does sculpted nicely as Tenshi. Smaller size is good for display, too. haha.
With Nendoroid Petit.
ToysWorks’s Niitengo, GSC’s Nendoroid Petit, and Banpresto’s ichibankuji Chibikyun chara, seems all of them share nearly the same size. Though head joints are different, it could be still interchange without much difficulties.
Suddenly wish to reproduce Tenshi from ep7, hence I borrowed the hat from Kuroneko.
Ichibankuji Otonashi, a gift from my friend.
Just do some little photoshop work for this.
久しぶりのAngel Beats!商品で大満足。そろそろ2期をやるのかな?
Angel Beats! didn’t have product for such a long time. Well, would it be any chance for Animation season 2?!
Thats all for Ichibankiji Tenshi. Angel is just like an angel!