ねんどろいど | Nendoroid

優勝おめでとう!! Congratulations!! Good Smile Racing

nendoroid racing miku 2011

レーシングってそれほど興味がないけど、ミクZ4がカッコいいし、今年のRQミクさんも可愛いから、ねんどろいどとfigmaを貰えるスポンサープランを参加することになにました。デザインがほんとにいいですね。2009 / 2010のも可愛いけど今年のは一番気に入りかも!
Congratulations to GoodSmile Racing for the GT300 Class 2011 Championship!!
I am not much into Racing, but Miku Z4 is very attractive and smart, and the design of Miku RQ 2011 is so cute that I have joined Nendoroid and figma sponsors plan! And seems I like 2011’s design most ^^

nendoroid racing miku 2011
nendoroid racing miku 2011
nendoroid racing miku 2011
nendoroid racing miku 2011
nendoroid racing miku 2011
nendoroid racing miku 2011

Well….it seems a bit too much Nendo Miku?!
nendoroid racing miku 2011

また買い続けます^^; 次はMiku Appendかな。
But seems that I still can’t stop buying XD The next one will be Miku Append!!
nendoroid racing miku 2011

  • Q

    Unlimited Miku Works! Good Smile Racing would really appreciate your sponsor for their victory XD

    Racing Miku 2011 has a bit of cyber feel to it, and perhaps even with have a bit of Append vibe to it. The deredere face is a nice touch even though it’s not something I would associated with Miku, and it can be used with outher nendoroids~ Gotta say Miku is pretty cute with the deredere face :o

    I am looking forward to get the figma version that is coming next month. Surprised that the other goodies came out a month before it, but I hope the quality will be ok with the huge sponsor price tag attached to it!

    1. Yui

      Thanks Q!
      From my past experience, Max factory / GSC limited products are always in good QC. May be they don’t wish to have too much claims and returns for exchange on limited production run XD. I am sure there would be Racing Miku in 2012… though 7000yen+is quite an amount to pay for….@_@


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