06子がフェイトの衣装を着たら… When 06-chan wears Fate’s costume…
My friend wish to have a look for 06-chan cosplay as Fate T. Harlaown, so I let her to try it on today.This is “When 06-chan wears 〇〇’s costume…” part 2! Is it good?
それにしても… バルディッシュの重さやっぱり尋常じゃありません…
Since Fate’s eye is 24mm, it is a good fit for DDH-06. Fate always wears full gear of Barrier Jacket, occasionally it might be good for a light version, right? Well, btw, Bardiche is still too heavy for DD to hold….
06ヘッドとフェイトヘッドが同じ系統の顔つきを持っていますね。フェイトもフェイトで可愛いけど06のくちと眉のメイクアップが柔らかくていい感じ。2012 ver.も出でくればいいな。
So cool and beauty. DDH-06 cos to Fate is so so match, very good job. ^_^b
Thanks Anthony! 06-chan is such a good cosplayer :D
This friend of yours must be regretting of reminding you this particular proposal as soon as he saw the photos… ^^;;;
Just like the custom Miku you’ve done earlier, the slimmer look of the DDH-06 head seems more fitting than the default Fate head, which IMHO looks a little too rounded for me. Yet the gentle smile that adult Fate has is still there, which is lovely and elegant at the same time~
It’s rare to see her combat uniform without the outer coat or the Barrier Jacket. With the lack of gauntlets and boots, but with high heels as replacement (are those from the TSAB uniform set?) this sort of reminds me of Saber Lily’s unarmoured dress.
It’s amazing how universally adaptive this DDH-06 head really is. I kinda wish I didn’t see this, but now I have hahaha.
The pair of high hills was just a normal black one from Volks, but DD Fate do comes with 2 pairs of knee socks: one for fitting the leg armor, and another one for ordinary use, as in my photos.
DDH-06 is good to own. Do consider to get it if available :D