Snow Miku 2012フォトリタッチ、採用されました。Snow Miku 2012 Photo-retouch being chosen.
PIAPRO(ピアプロ)さんとグッドスマイルカンパニーさんのコラボ企画『雪ミクが冬を応援♪「ねんどろいど 雪ミク」フォトレタッチ大募集!』、私の投稿が採用されたことを報告いたします。
I have participated in PIAPRO and Goodsmile Company’s collaboration project – Snow Miku Cheer up the winter “Nendoroid Snow Miku” photo retouch contest, and my CG have been chosen.
北海道の「雪まつり」は私には憧れのイベントです。雪を見たことない私が一度でも行ってみたいお祭りです!この形で「雪まつり」と「Snow Miku 2012」に関わることと、手伝ってることが出来て、嬉しいと思います!
It have been used for printing metallic postcard sets and on sell at Animate Sapporo as well as Animate New Chitose Airport shop. One of the Familymart in Sapporo also use my work as decoration on windows. It shall be great if somebody like my work and bought the postcard :D
I didn’t have any chance to see real snow, and really wish to go to Sapporo Snow Festival. It is just great that I could participate in the “Snow Festival” and “Snow Miku 2012” through my CG work.
Thankyou to PIAPRO, Crypton and Goodsmile Company for choosing my piece of work. I will work hard and create more pictures in the future!
p.s. After watching daily news, I noticed that the Miku Snowman at Snow Festival is broken, fallen and getting people hurt. Really wish her fine and hopefully any injury is not too serious…
Congrats on your win!!
Thanks Mahoro!!!
I will do an actual shoot while I receive the Snow Mike nendoroid :D
Congratulations on having your work selected for postcard printing! The crystals and background look dazzling~
It’s a real pity that the snowman collapsed and even caused injury to a visitor. It’s good to hear that it has been rebuilt, but it somehow looked rather freaky albeit having worked fast to complete it ^^; Hope the lady will recover soon!
Thanks Q!!
The new Snow Miku snowman does looks a bit……. well. but its really amazing that they managed to rebuilt it in 9 hours! Hope the lady is fine, too.