明けましておめでとうございます!Happy New Year !
Happy New Year! I wish you have a cheerful and peaceful year 2013.
Happy New Year! I wish you have a cheerful and peaceful year 2013.
WAVEよりBeach Queenセイバーエクストラです。武内崇氏のイラストを立体化されたものです。いつも青空ばかり、今回は夕方の感じを挑戦しようとしています。難しいですね。
Saber Extra from WAVE Beach Queen series. The pose and swimsuit is based on Takeuchi Takashi’s illustration. My pictures always have blue sky as background, this time I try to create evening scene. Its difficult…
I am not quite into figure in swimsuit, but because of Saber.. so I try to do a shoot. When will be WAVE’s Palm trees arrive? It must be a good background object for the figure…
Volks June New Outfit (2) – Wine red party dress. This dress is only for L Bust, hence I give it to Saber Extra. I have done some shoot for the 3 Sabers wearing party dresses before.. this time I decided to take photos with Saber Extra only ^^;
1:8 Scale Saber Extra release by Gift, sculpted by Toda Satoshi of the Principality of Kagutsuchino. This is the 5th release of the fate series, right after Saber Alter, Saber, Lily, and Dark Sakura.