ブロク移行顛末、そしてようこそ。Blog migration and, Welcome!
Sometimes, Apple would kill old services without any hesitation.
Moving from mobile.me to iCloud, services like “Gallery” and “Web hosting” were being left out in the transition, and both of them will be terminated by 30 June 2012. I have been using Apple’s web service for almost a decade, and I love it much. To me, its a bit complicated for a change.
調べてみるとiWebサイトがmobile.me以外のサーバーを使用すると、コメントもサーチもできない仕様 orz
Wordpressの初心者です。どこか変なことがあったら、あるいはフォントやレイアウトが読みにくい所があったら、どうかどうか教えてくださいm(_ _)m。
Gallery and iWeb lack “social” functions (tweet, Facebook, G+, etc), and yet there are no new version since 2009. However, the ease of use of both gallery and iWeb did save me much time, and release me from typing HTML codes in website creation.
I subscribed “flickr” as a replacement of “gallery”. I also purchased a domain name “cafeyui.net” with server rental, and wish to plot the whole iWeb blog to the new place, with guidance from Apple’s support document…However, while I start to upload, I discovered that…
All past comments and comment dialogue is disappeared!!!…
After some search, I realized that comment function in iWeb blogs is not avaliable unless it is uploaded to mobile.me server.
I am shocked. I treasure all the comment posted, and my blog would be meaningless without a way of communication. It is just the only thing I couldn’t compromise.
What I could do was to abandon iWeb, and learn Wordpress asap – -;
And, luckily I could finish installation of Wordpress system on rental server, and able to move all the posts and comments to the new place, manually one by one…..
I am so green to Wordpress. If there are anything strange, or some place being difficult to read, please let me know m(_ _)m. I shall update my posts more frequently. Please visit while you have time. Thankyou!!
Hey Yui, congrats on the move! Moving all the contents and comments must have been quite a tiring effort for you o_o;;
A lot of bloggers in my blogroll use wordpress, so I’m sure it’s a well trusted and reputed platform for blogging. I updated my blogroll to reflect on the change of your blog’s URL and feed. Would love to continue to see the lovely photos and comments of yours!
Thanks Q, and welcome here~~~!!
Wordpress is doubtlessly a nice platform for blog, and I am impressed by the flexibility for customization and extension. Its quite easily to setup, too. For more customized page layout… I have to put some time to study again on basic HTML that I forgot for a long long time… :P