ジータ〜キミとボクのミライ | Djeeta – Kimi to Boku no Mirai
グランブルーファンタジーより主人公(女)、ジータの1/7 アイドルver.フィギュアになります。2015年エイプリルフールMVのイラストだったけど、反響が大きいらしく、そのあとはCDを出たり、ゲーム内に使用できるスキンを作ったり、フィギュアまで出ることになりました。私も2年半前から日課みたいにグラブルを遊んでるけど、最近はやや疲れ気味です。課金するよりグラブルのフィギュアを買ったほうが満足度高いかな…。
1/7 Djeeta idol ver. from Granblue Fantasy, by Phat! Company. It was based on an illustration from the music video on April Foo day in 2015, and afterward there were CD, Character Skin to be used in game, as well as figures released. I have been playing GBF for more than 2 years, and yet feeling a bit tired recently…so I prefer buying Djeeta’s figure to rolling Gacha recently.
The illustration. Her idol-like costume, healthy legs and her smile face looks charming indeed.
Good reproduction of the original illustration. Its relatively small for 1:7 figure(220mm), perhaps Djeeta was not that tall XD.
Nicely sculpted small parts, clothes wrinkle and frills.
It will be too much if I ask for Granblue-like painting here, but the gradation for cloths, hair and skin and her lip gloss look good.
Thanks for your patience. Its white XD.
Actually I am surprised by the texture of her skin. Just wonder if there are some special coating that make it feel so smooth and different from other parts of the figure?!
以上、Phat!より1/7ジータ アイドルVer.でした。ジータちゃんのフィギュアはもっと出すべき、できればガンスリンガー、アサシンとホーリーセイバーでお願いします〜グランくんは要らないです(暴言w)
Thats all for Phat!’s 1/7 Djeeta Idol ver. I do want more Djeeta figure, especially Gunslinger, Assassin and Holy Saber. I don’t need any for Gran XD
Well, “Kimi to Boku no Mirai” is a good song.
Ah, I just started to play this game, after I have finished the cute anime adaption.
haha Djeeta only appeared in one episode, Gran could not enjoy all the swimsuits ;D
Her idol outfit is pretty, the details are nice and I like hers shoes. I also like “healthy legs”
Yeah, her figure turned out quite pretty, the eye(s) are nice and I really like the mouth.
“Thanks for your patience. Its white XD.” ahahaha (*≧▽≦)
Since I’m a little influnced by the anime I would love to see an adorable figure of Lyria at the upcoming wonfes.
I really appreciate that you still blog in both languages.
Thanks wieselhead!
I hope you enjoy the game, and the coming TV episode EX02 as well (BD pre-ordered, mostly for serial number :P)
Personally I also wish to see some nice Narmaya’s figures in Wonfes :D