Dollism Plus 7 (HKDP7) 行ってきました。
昨日(7月8日)、Dollism Plus 7で遊んできました。前回HKDP6以来、あっという間の1年でしたね。ドールショーといえば沢山ディーラーブースがありましたね。少しは買い物があったけど、それよりオフ会の雰囲気が強いですね。
Yesterday (8 July) I went to Dollism Plus 7. Time was really passing fast, its almost a year after HKDP6 already. Dollshows are known as places for dealer booths. Of course I did bought somethings for my dolls, to me it seems like to be an off-line meeting more than a place for shopping.
いつもドールのお迎えのお世話になるDollfie Worldのブース。友達の娘たくさん居ました!
The booth of Dollfie World. Nearly all of my dolls are mainly adopted through their service. Most of the dolls are my friends’s musume!
Kawaii nurses from my friends.
Windows XPちゃんでしたっけ?
Is it Windows XP-chan?
Guess who is my daughter?
Emotion toysさんのブース。
Booth of Emotion Toys.
Orine‘s (Kurai) booth. Dresses are soooo beautiful! Charcoal‘s daughter also displayed here.
Don’t know why but iron man is here!!
Dealer Booths are very stylish!
Regret that the photos are quite crappy, and I can’t take photos for all my friends daughters, or some of them are blurred orz…Thought, It was really a funny day.
Saw your girl at the event, and she looks lovely! Looking forward to you “officially” introducing her here~
It’s a little unusual how the event is split into 2 days this time, but it does feel less crowded than last year as a result. I tried to take some photos, but my camera is not too good for the task and I was distracted from many various things at the same time ^^;
Thanks Q! Regret that I am not able to come on day-1 and see your B★RS DD in person..
For splitting the event into 2 day, it does make us easier to walk through those dealer booths, and could even walk for several times searching for treasures that easily missed in a single glance. Did you bought anything? I just got a little stuff on the day.
I looked around the dealers’ stalls but didn’t buy anything. I wanted to look for high heel shoes that are like Saber Lily’s but in white. The ones I see either have extra straps or ribbons, the sole is too high, or that the bottom is black. It appears that finding something supposedly “simple” is not easy as I thought ^^;
Very true!!! I also have difficulties in finding “simple” and “normal” DD goods…such as short pants in white, or even knee socks in light gray. Sometimes, such “simple” parts comes with the whole set of Volks set of outfit which I may not like, but still bought it as I want that piece of thing so badly Orz…