フィギュア | Figure

遅すぎるレビュー… GSCセイバーリリィ〜勝利すべき黄金の劍〜 review: GSC Saber Lily – Caliburn

GSC Saber Lily


Its a very very late review of princess Lily… Its a product ordered during WF2010 Winter in February, and she arrived in August, but I am too tired to take photo of her and just put her on my display case. And now, its already October…

GSC Saber Lily

まずは正面と後ろ。アヴァーロン ver. と同じポースなのにまるで別人。アーマーなしのリリィさんが可憐な姫になってる。それにしてもドレスのデザインが綺麗ですね。

To start with front and back shoots. With the same posture with Distance Avalon ver., Saber Lily looks completely different without her light armor. Feel like a princess with a pretty dress!!

GSC Saber Lily
GSC Saber Lily
GSC Saber Lily
GSC Saber Lily


This Lily only comes with Caliburn (whereas the armored version have both Exclibur and Caliburn). The craftsmanship of sheath is excellent! However, for the sword, I like the version from Alter. Btw the sword could be plugged into the sheath.

GSC Saber Lily
GSC Saber Lily
GSC Saber Lily


Detail of the base is also amazing. I like the embossed logo.
Saber Lily really looks like a lily (flower) while view from the top!

GSC Saber Lily
GSC Saber Lily


This version of Saber Lily doesn’t appeal to my friends much. They said the volume of this figure doesn’t worth, the high hills are strange, and there are no armors. But I like her face more than the original one. Sweet.
Some random shoots here.

GSC Saber Lily
GSC Saber Lily
GSC Saber Lily
GSC Saber Lily
GSC Saber Lily

I am very satisfy with the quality of this figure. Thanks for Reading.

  • Ayatsuji

    very well taken Yui !!

    she definitely looks like a flower from top view (〃∇〃)

    I am starting to shoot pvc too ( ̄∇ ̄ )

    1. Yui

      Thanks Ayatsuji!!!
      I used to buy PVC before I stepped into the dark side…
      now I only able to buy a little because of space and budget….x_x
      However, Saber Lily is tooooooo for me to resist not to buy…haha


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