ねんどろいど 初音ミク ハロウィンVer. | Nendoroid Hatsune Miku Halloween ver.
ねんどろいど初音ミク ハロウィンver.になります。ねんどろいどミクって季節物が多いですね。春には櫻ミク、夏はファミマの水着と浴衣、冬はサンタと雪ミクあるけど、秋は…やっとハロウィンver.が出ますね。
Nendoroid Hatsune Miku Halloween. Many Nenodoroid Mikus are seasonal or festival related, like Sakura Miku in spring, Family-mart’s swimsuit and Yukata ver in summer, Santa and Snow Miku in winter. Finally, an Autumn Miku in halloween costume arrives.
Very cute costume in black and orange, and the halloween style of design looks nice with small details. The gradation color of the hair accessories and the and the transparent wings are beautiful.
Face. Miku with orange eye-shadow and vampire fang match the occasion of the day. The oversized ear-rings just like a big candy.
The little devil-like facial expression is nice.
Pumpkin face. Seems could be use on different nendos.
The pumpkin lantern could be place on nendorid petit.
季節物ねんどろいどミクは大好物です!昨年のハロウィン写真は間に合わなくてちょっと悔しけど、今年は何とか^^;以上、ねんどろいど 初音ミク ハロウィンver.でした。
Seasonal Mikus are my favorite. Last year I failed to deliver halloween photos before the the end of October..and it seems to be okey this year ^^; Thats all for the Nendoroid Miku Halloween ver.