3倍速の3DS買いました。 Purchased a three times faster 3DS.
モンハンのために3DS買うものか!と意地をはった結末、シャアver.を買ってしまった….(>ヘ<)゚ ゜。 自分用のクリスマスプレゼントにします(言い訳)。
“I won’t buy 3DS because of Monster Hunter”….well…I lost. I just bought Limited edition of 3DS G Generation with Char ver. 3DS for my own Christmas present LOL…
I failed to resist from the lineup of great games and wanted to play Mario, G Generation, Miku, FF (music) and Monster Hunter as well. Have been planned to buy PSVita, but it seems that I could wait for while for color variations and release of good games. Read more “3倍速の3DS買いました。 Purchased a three times faster 3DS.”