ファミファミファミ〜マ ファミファミマ~♪ FamilyMart Miku
うちのPVCスケールフィギュア最高額値段、絶賛更新中(汗)… 普通の一番くじならこっちの店は売ってるけど、ファミマ限定くじでは無理みたいです。つまりオクでしか入手できない…それでも欲しがる自分はどうかしています^^;
FamilyMart limited Happy Kuji (lucky draw) Hatsune Miku A prize – FamilyMart uniform Miku figure.
The record of highest price of PVC in my collection have been broken..again by this Miku. Ordinary Ichiban Kuji could be easily found in local stores, but FamilyMart happy kuji didn’t appeared in anywhere else, which means I have no choice but Yahoo Auction. Though it is hard, I seems haven’t been discouraged from getting this piece of over-priced figure ^^;