singing〜秋山澪 Akiyama Mio
Where unopened figures were stacking at home since November 2012, I still keep pre-ordering new ones..
Really hope that I have some time to open them and take some photos, but it can’t be happened on January.
けいおんのEDドレスは京都アニメーション(京アニ)のオリジナルデザインだったので、版権はまったく降りないと聞いています。フィギュアもゲームもグッズもイベント当日版権も、例外はありません。欲しければ京アニの商品を買うか、あるいは自するしかありません。この劇場版ED Singingのフィギュアシーリズも京アニより発売するものです。
Dresses in K-ON ending song were original designs by Kyoto Animation(KyoAni), and I heard that they never release copyrights to anyone including Games manufacturers, figures or goods production companies, or even for event one-day license like WonFes and etc. If you want products for K-ON characters in these dresses, you have to make your own, or purchase from KyoAni. Today’s figure from K-ON movie ED song is a product produced by KyoAni.