天使ちゃんマジ天使。Angel is really Angelic(?)!
Angel Beats!のキャラクターデザイン平田雄三氏のイラストを立体化した天使ちゃん、立華かなでです。一年前、グッスマが発売した1/8天使はCGで3D原型出力で作りましたけど、今回はいままで通り原型師さんより製作しました。風に揺れる薄いワンピースと細いボディ、吹かれた髪と大きく広げた翼。その柔らかさを表現するため、デジタルより手作業のほうがいいではないでしょうか。
Katsuzo Hirata, who designed Angel Beats!’s character, his latest illustration of Tenshi (Tachibana Kanade) have been sculpted into a brand new figure. The 1/8 Tenshi in 2011 by Goodsmile Company was produced from computer 3D modeling, whereas the current one was sculpted in traditional way by sculptor. In fact, the summer one-piece dress and her slim body, as well as the huge wing and her hair blowing in wind, it would be more suitable for hand-made sculpture instead of 3DCG.