一番くじ「TYPE-MOON~10周年記念」A賞 セイバー Ichibankuji “TYPE-MOON 10th Anniversary” Saber
先月届いた一番くじ「TYPE-MOON~10周年記念」A賞のセイバーです。くじ運のないことは既定事項やスペックみたいなものですから、引けずにオクで突撃しました。届くのが遅いけど、バラ売りの店より遥かにやすいからお得な気分ヾ(  ̄▽)ゞ
This is the Saber of “TYPE-MOON” 10th Anniversary Ichibankuji Prize A. I know myself well for not having any luck on lucky draw, hence I didn’t try even once this time. Instead, I got it from auction with a more favorable price than those shops which sold the prize separately.
Have been worrying about the final product while I read those sample review. I am proved to be wrong this time. It does have the highest quality among Ichibankuji products.
顔。TYPE-MOON 10周年のイラストみたい柔らかな笑顔にしています。リボンを含めて服の青い部分は透明素材を使用し、仕上げが美しいです。服全体のパール塗装もキレイ。
Face-up. Seems like this Saber is based on those TYPE-MOON 10th Anniversary illustration with the soft and beautiful smile. The ribbon, as well as those blue parts of dress are made up of transparent plastic, looks very nice under lighting, together with the pearl painting on the cloths.
This….is not the “Saber” that I know…isn’t it looks too big? Well…its a party dress, and it isn’t quite strange for being pushed into this size..
原型師another one氏について、詳しいはわからないけど、以前コードギアスの一番くじを作った人らしい。いや、本当に素敵です。ありがとうございます!
The box come with upper part of the body in 2 variations. This is the one which holds the sword with a single hand. The body is slimly made, but you could still feel those body muscle in the sculpture, and, it is well balanced. Sculpturer, named Mr. another one, was also the one who made Code Geass ichibankuji. I don’t know much about him, but this Saber is really a good piece of work!
I changed the part to hold the sword in 2 hands. It surprised me by having FATE/PROTOTYPE ver. Exclibur! And, this is the look with its sheath.
And it could be changed into the shape without the sheath.
This is all for the TYPE-MOON 10th Anniversary Saber. The “play value” of this figure do increased by parts changing.
Finally I have took 2 service shoot. Good child shouldn’t click ^^
Photo 1 | Photo 2
By the way I do have some query on the Ichibankuji. It might be a good for a yield, but might not be good for customer.. Ppl like me who do not have any luck in lucky draw, may always end up in wasting money with unwanted goods. It takes place for storage, and it won’t be good for just throw them away. Peoples are willing to purchase high level PVC figures even at 7000-8000yen, why not just release the figure at this price point instead?
This party dress Saber somehow reminds me of Saber Lily in dress, but with more pearl white and clear blue instead. The Fate/Prototype Excalibur is a nice bonus, and it looks big!
The idea of “Lucky Drawing” Happy Kuji can be quite questionable indeed. I wonder whether it really is more profitable compared to just producing and releasing the figures on their own. It’s quite likely to be the case or else they won’t keep making them… I guess.
Thanks Q! The design and coloring of this dress is very nice, and I won’t mind to pay for it if there would be a DD version!
Actually I stopped buying Banpresto Ichibankuji after the Death Devil Mio, because of the price for purchasing (instead of winning) may even higher than those quality figures by GSC or ALTER. The material used in Ichibankuji doubtlessly not as good as ordinary figures, and may have oil after 2-3 years I guess. Well, Saber is a very exceptional case.
But now we are having a “new challenger” – The Happy Kuji series!
Happy Kuji Marval Be@rbrick are manufactured by Medicom Toys, whereas Miku Kuji are manufactured by GSC and Cospa. It might a big threat to Banpresto, and I am sure it is a fatal threat to consumers and collectors ^^;