フィギュア | Figure

LOVE LAIKA with Rosenburg Engel

アルターよりアイドルマスターシンデレラガールズ、新田美波、アナスタシア、神崎蘭子〜Memories Ver.になります。
Here comes 1/8 Nitta Minami, Anastasia, Kanzaki Ranko 〜Memories ver.〜from IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS, by Alter. Recently almost all Cinderella Girls figures from Alter are in 1/7 scale, whereas those figures produced in teams or units are 1/8, which make them less “space-consuming” while collecting the whole team ^^;

Alter’s transparent figure packaging. Figures could be displayed nicely without opening the box.

今回立体化されたドレスはピュアホワイトメモリーズという、LOVE LAIKAの専用衣装です。美波の大人っぽさとアーニャのロシアモチーフを意識してデザインされた、シンプルでエレガントの衣装でだと思います。そしてアニメ13話で、蘭子は美波の衣装をまとって代役としてステージに立ちました。
“Pure white memories”, an exclusive costume for LOVE LAIKA, is designed with a mix of Russian details (Anya) and adult maturity (Minami), resulting a simple and elegant white dress. Ranko also wear Minami’s costume on stage in Animate ep13 while Minami was down by stress.

美波とアーニャの台座はLOVE LAIKAロゴ、蘭子の台座はシンデレラプロジェクトのロゴがプリントされています。細かいことだけど、アルターさんわかってくれますね。
LOVE LAIKA logo is printed on Minami and Anya’s stand, whereas Ranko’s stand comes with Cinderella Project’s logo.

Phat!LOVE LAIKAフィギュアはアニメ寄りの顔造形だったけど、アルターver.はやや作家性の強い仕上げになってますね。
For the face sclupture, Phat! ver. was quite closed to Animation, while Alter ver. reflects its original style.
The pearl color dresses are beautifully painted, with highly detailed cloth wrinkle and accessories.

Anya’s body line is, stunning.


Ranko’s costume is intentionally scuplted with feeling of a little bit oversize(Because she is wearing Minami’s).

Some random shoots resembling live scene.

以上、アルターより1/8新田美波、アナスタシア、神崎蘭子〜Memories Ver.のレビューでした。
Actually its my first time buying Alter figure.
Its really a top-class figure maker, and I am very satisfied with its perfect quality in reasonable price.
Thats all for my review on Alter 1/8 Minami, Anastasia and Ranko 〜Memories ver.


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