マシュ・キリエライト | Mash Kyrielight
ストロンガーよりFate/Grand Order、1/7シールダー/マシュ・キリエライト通常版フィギュアです。マシュ第三再臨状態の最初で最大級の立体物…一瞬迷ったけどストロンガーさんのクォリティーを信じてポチりました。
1:7 Shielder/Mash Kyrielight figure from Stronger. It’s the first time for Mash’s 3rd Ascension got a figure treatment. I was once hesitated by the size of her shield (and of course the box), however stronger’s quality won’t disappoint me so I just pressed the pre-order button…
The details and sharpness would only be possible in a 1:7 sized figure.
Polarized pearl coating on armour just looks gorgeous. The hand and soft contrast between armor and her skin or fingers is one of the charming point of this figure.
The shield with 3 dimensional curve just looks like a designer table (and it IS a famous table indeed XD). The emblem and elf fonts(?) were made with details.
台座プリントはFGO キービジュアル背景ですね(レイシフト)
FGO’s key-visual background printed on the figure stand.
It could be changed into 2nd Ascension, with light armour and more skin color XD
Mash’s brave face looks nice but I prefer something softer.
以上、ストロンガー 1/7 Fate/Grand Orderシールダー/マシュ・キリエライト通常版のレビューでした。
Thats all for my little review on Stonger’s 1:7 Shielder/Mash Kyrielight figure(normal version).
《Fate/Grand Order -絶対魔獣戦線バビロニア- Episode 0 Initium Iter》見ました。これまでマシュとロマ二の物語、そしてこれからの運命…とても濃くて美しかった。心の温かい感じは何か似たような気がして、スタッフロール見ると納得しました。絵コンテ:高雄統子、演出:高雄統子・原田孝宏…アイドルマスターシンデレラガールズじゃないか!
Just finished watching “Fate/Grand Order -Babylonia- Episode 0 Initium Iter”. It was a story between Mash and Dr. Romani, about their past and their fate and future. The warm and touching story just remind me of…something familiar…After watching, the staff list shown that storyboard was done by Noriko Takao and co-directed by Noriko Takao and Takahiro Harada, who made the Idolm@aster Cinderella Girls animation!
Looks quite impressive, I love the purple black armor
I’m not that familiar with Fate / Go, only watched Fate/Grand Order: First Order with cute Mash.
I think that is a wonderful adaptation of her as figure, the shield is amazing and all details are spot on.
The little armor skirt makes her look a bit more girly, funny option to make it look more sexy,
The Limited version shows more skin, but with this armor it’s more interesting.
I nevertheless miss the belly button a bit (⁄ ⁄^⁄ᗨ⁄^⁄ ⁄)
Well, yes Mash could have a softer expression here, this figure makes her look tough.
Your pictures are great ( ゚▽゚)/
Thanks wiselhead :D
FGO chapter 7 will be a great Anime to watch in October. Can’t wait anymore!
Have long been interested on Mash VR (and of course her training suit XD), but it is not worth purchasing PSVR for this…well…