My Soul, Your Beats! 天使 Tenshi
“Angel Beats!”より立華かなでちゃん。死後の世界で最初から敵キャラ「天使」として戦っていだけど実にメインヒロイン(!!)でした。Angel Beats!の立体物は他のアニメよりも少ない気がします…(っていうかエ◯ァ、フェ◯ト出過ぎ!! ^^;)
Tachibana Kanate from “Angel Beats!”. At the world of afterlife, acted as an “Angel(Tenshi)” to fight against the main characters…however she is the real heroine of the story!! Seems “Angel Beats!” didn’t have much figure products, and this is the very first PVC product of Tenshi.
それにしても”Angel Beats!”はいいアニメでしたね。泣きますし。機会があればもう一回観たいと思います。天使ちゃんマジ天使^^
This 1:8 scale figure is release from Goodsmile Company, whereas original sculpture was done by 3DCG, using 3D printer to “print” the object, and finally fix and touch-up by sculpture masters. By this new process, figure could be deliver in a faster and cheaper manner, and parts like feather and guns could be sculpted in details.
Digital production of original sculpture was widely used by Plamo (esp Gunpla) companies. However its seems seldom being use to sculpt human character figures. There still being questioned for making those soft touch on girl figures, however seems goodsmile company are willing to challenge on new methodology and delivered high quality figures in relatively low price to comsumers.
By the way “Angel Beats!” was a good animation to me, and I wish to watch again once have time and chance. Well, “Angel is just like, angel!” ^^
I have always wondered how Yuri and Tenshi’s prices are compared to recent PVC figures whose prices are steadily rising. The idea of 3D modelling with figures sure is not something that is really heard of until now :o
The pictures of Tenshi in front of the piano are really good, as if she really is sitting down there~ Great photoshopping there as usual!
And btw Tenshi now stands as your latest legacy of ‘high chasing’ XD Will she be the last one, or that you still have other stuff that are not yet ordered??
Thanks Q.
In my very own opinion, there are always hesitation to change from traditional way to new methodology by new technology, just like from hand-drawing to CG, from film camera to digital camera… especially for those who are masters in these areas… they may think that there are no “tamashii” in this piece of work because it is not done by my hand…and also afraid if users may think that “why should I pay ____yen for a CG duplication?!”… so manly for psychological barriers that Computer process didn’t apply to PVC figures until now.
Well… actually I didn’t used to pay a high price for figures as always being mentioned by the others ^^; I will try to pre-order everything that I want…
Nice photos.. mine will be here probably mid July accdg to a local online anime shop. This has got to be paired up with Yuri and that’s my plan :3
Thanks samejima!!
If and only if they would release Yui too….I will happy to pay for it :D