WAVE セイバーリリィ Saber Lily
WAVE Beach Queenシーリズのセイバーリリィです。Type-moon ACEの中の一枚挿絵が、4つのフィギュアになりました…セイバーって恐ろしいものですね。これで5人のセイバーが全員揃い、私は水着フィギュアから身を引けるはず(笑)。
This is Saber Lily from WAVE Beach Queen series. Starting from an illustration on Type-moon ACE magazine, 4 figures have been produced… Saber is just terrific! So I have all 5 Sabers in swimsuit, so I can get rid of purchasing swimsuit figures from now on ^^/
水着フィギュアを数回撮影し、もうネタ尽きのなります^^; 今回は黄昏の後時間を挑戦したいと思います。
Have been taking photos with swimsuit figures for several time, and seems I can’t think of any other creative scenes for it. This time I challenge on the time just right after sunset. Image noise is quite visible. Perhaps it is an limit for my 3-year-old SONY NEX-3. Just thinking if I should wait for the FF NEX, or just go for the NEX-7 successor orz
Comparing with Saber Alter, Lily’s posture is active and dynamic. Her body-line is feminine and slim, and the proportion is very balance.
Lastly a group photo for all Beach Queen Sabers. Its interesting that all of them are in different style. Well, Red Saber’s Ahoge is…wonderful ^^
Congrats on obtaining all bq sabers. I also just got my lily in the mail but no time to open for pictures yet. But looking at you pro-level images sure gave me some ideas on the group picture of all 5 (^^)
Thanks Otakusan!! Waiting for your photos and hope you will have time to open it soon :D
これがコレクターの醍醐味?(たぶん) ^_^;;;