ねんぷち fate/stay night 遊んでみた。Nendo Petit fate/stay night sets
グッスマのねんぷちfate/stay nightエクステンションセットがやっと発売しました。
最初はオルタだけは欲しかったけど、気がついたらまたフルセット予約しました^ ^;
This is the Nendoroid Petit fate/stay night extension set.
At first, I only wished to have Saber Alter, but finally I have ordered the full set ^^;
Can’t even imagined that playing with Berserker could be a lot of fun. Its movable, its even bigger than a normal Nendoroid, and it could hold Tousaka Rin from the fate/stay night set!!! Its so funny to try to pose them in scenes, and I can’t help but Photoshopped those pictures.
Wish to have Assassin, Gilgamesh and Shirou!
You sure had a lot of fun doing the effects and background for this set of nendoroid puchis! The effects look superb~ ^^
The Berserker sure looks like a lot of fun to play with. Just realised that he actually has a joint in thumbs which helps on gripping things or even to pose as open palm.
With Fate/Zero now airing, hope there will be more Nendoroid puchi sets will be released! It’s unusual how this is released as a open box set rather than shokugan style, but I guess with Berserker being so huge it’s not a surprise there. ^^;
Thanks Q! I also wish GSC will release remaining characters in “stay night” and also release a box for zero characters!