DDミク〜ロミオとシンデレラ DD Miku – Romeo & Cinderella
DD写真を撮るのは3ヶ月ぶりでしたね。いつもお世話になるOrioneさんが作った衣装をゲットし、初音ミクの「ロミオとシンデレラ」をイメージして撮影しました。この曲のメロディが好きてProject Divaで何度も遊んでいましたけど、内容があまり深く考えなかった…調べてみると結構ヤバそうでね(笑)いいですね、そういうの。
I haven’t been taking DD photos for almost 3 month. I have got an outfit from Orione, hence starting to think about the photo of “Romio and Cinderella”, which was originally a song of Hatsune Miku. I love the melody of this song, and have been playing again and again in Project Diva, without thinking much about the lyrics. Having a search on its meaning, I found it quite danger XD, and having much meanings beneath…
The head is DDH-06 Magical Ruby. I use the 2011ver. of DDH-06 on DD Snow Miku, and this is another ver. in 2012. It have eyeshadown in light pink, finely printed eye lash, as well as a little mouth. The feeling is same as the original DDH-06 with difference.
The apple is essential for this song and this set of photo. I hardly found it in right size just before I give up and started thinking how to make it myself ^^;
(Trust me, I am shooting the Apple XD)
Haven’t brush the hair much. Something like in the morning, or…(you know what I mean)
Btw I have to find another Miku wig in higher quality..
Thats all for DD Miku in Romeo & Cinderella style. The song is very nice, and you may find it quite interesting.
色っぽい、可愛い、パーフェクト。。。そしてちょっとだけきわどい?でもそこがグーです。 ^_^;
写真の白バック飛ばしは好きだけど、毎回毎回使うとつまらなくなりそうで怖い… いつも悩んでいますよ。
ミクさんらしい (?) Sバストに換装しようと思ったけど服の形が崩れてしそうで、このままMサイズで撮影しました。
What a good custom made of Miku DD ~~ GJ ~~
Thanks Kuuga! I do wish Volks could develop a “real” DD Hatsune Miku… at least for the outfit and accessories XD
Sure they do. I wonder why it takes them so long to do it. Miku is very popular. ><?
I wonder if it is licensing problem. I heard that Crypton didn’t grant the license of Miku dolls (in real proportion). They only allow dolls outfit instead.
Even so, I think it’s only a matter of time.
ah, I see you got this outfit as well ^^ it’s is very nice, I was lucky enough to pick up a set myself also, but didn’t get a chance to take pictures yet (since I can’t find a 1/3 scale apple yet). I didn’t know you had 2 06 heads, is one a custom face-up?
Thanks Otakusan!! Yes, I have 2 06 heads, and both are original makeup from Volks. This 06 head is a pre-order item together with the new 05 and 07, and it is a Dec 2012 product.
Saw the outfit at Kurai’s site, but didn’t know you got it! The outfit and cushion really do look like the ones in the illustration! Kurai did a great job on it, and of course with you bringing Miku up to live with your photos! ^^
Thanks Q!
I heard that Kurai has put much effort in printing polka dots pattern on the outfit, and I love it much.
Cute pictures. ^ ^;
Thanks Nekomimi036 (^▽^)/