桜の季節、桜ミク。Sakura Season, Sakura Miku
Sakura is my favorite flower in Japan, and I love to travel to Japan during sakura season.I really wish to bring Nendoroid Sakura to shoot some photos, but seems being unable travel to tokyo this year.
Well, the background would be plain without Sakura, hence I bought some decorations for shooting.
I ordered Nendoroid Sakura Miku directly from Goodsmile online shop together with my friends(I usually place my pre-order at local shops)…well….
Using a oversized cardboard box (A box for 12 nendos to pack 5) would cause serious damage to the goods like mine. The cardboard box have a certain level of damage, and seems being hit directly by another heavy box… Though my Miku haven’t got any visible damage, the neck joint seems have some problem and unable to move, and I am afraid that it will be broken if I try to move it hardly…
I give up and start shooting. The Nendoroid Sakura Miku is very cute. Its quality is totally much higher from those boot-legs, and I could feel that GSC have put sooo much effort to make a difference. Gradation painting on the transparent twin-tail, with sakura pattern printed with gradation. In addition to the metallic boots and sleeves, the painting quality is at top-class among all nendoroid products.
The cherry ponytailers are nice.
I could feel the spirit of craftsmanship from this product. If there are another ver. of Nendoroid Sakura Miku next year, I am sure I will get it at all cost^^;
And, It would be grateful if GSC could put more effort in packing parcels…orz.
So poor for your box . . .
This Sakura Miku is so cute ~ I am loving it ~~
Thanks Kuuga. I also like the Sakura Miku a lot.
Really wish GSC could improve their international shipping…
あちゃ、箱の破損とゆいさんが日本に行けないのは痛いですね。 (sigh) 私も日本にまた行ってみたいです。
The condition on the box as a result of the packaging and shipping is very tragic, but luckily it did not impact much on the contents inside (I hope).
Sakura Miku with the props look very pink and lovely. It’s good to see that GSC puts efforts to inspect and make sure it’s delivered on time and in good condition. Having a stuck neck joint does sound worrying though; I broke my first Snow Miku’s neck joint while doing the photo review of Sakura Miku, and there was no sign of the joint being under stress at all – it’s a clean snap. Felt a little empty inside as a result… orz
Thanks Q! GSC does put extra effort on Sakura Miku’s QC and it ends up in very satisfactory result. Personally I like Miku in blue and green more, but I won’t mind if there are something like Nendoroid Sakura Miku 2014 XD
Sakura Miku looks VERY pretty, expecially in your photos. Love! <3
I'll be purchasing one from a local store soon, after I earn enough money.
I wish that the rest of your contents are okay. The box looks… twisty, actually. Warped. I hope it's okay.
Thanks Sapphire!
My Sakura Miku is fine…. luckily.
I hope you would get your Sakura Miku soon :D