ねんどろいど | Nendoroid

ねんどろいどぷち なのはとフェイト Last Scene ver. Nendoroid Petit Nanoha and Fate

Nendoroid Petit Nanoha & Fate

映画版なのは、良かったね。作画もいいし、バトルシーンもスピーディでカッコいいし、なのはの魔王ふり(笑)もさらに増幅だったし、1st Seasonを2時間以内で綺麗にまとめる。

Nanoha’s Movie was good. Quality of Illustration are high, and battle scenes are quite speedy. Nanoha’s move was as usual…….very very strong and terrible ^^. 1st season’s scenes are well organized in a 2-hour movie.

Nendoroid Petit Nanoha & Fate
Nendoroid Petit Nanoha & Fate



フェイトちゃんになのはの体を交換するとA’s のフェイトも違和感なく再現できてうれしい。

The last scene of movie was….well……Nanoha and Fate just acted like….lovers(!!). Though, I still think that the scene was very good, and I’m looking forward to the 2nd movie. Its great that Goodsmile Company release a set of Nendo petit for this scene, and glad that its not a limited edition or sth difficult to buy…^^;

Quality was as usual, as good as Nanoha Nendo Petit #1. However, unlike AngelBeats! set, it doesn’t come with any exchange parts…really want more arm parts for different expressions vv

By the way I tried to exchange Nanoha’s body with Fate’s head, and a perfect A’s Fate is here!!!

Nendoroid Petit Nanoha & Fate


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