天使ちゃんマジ天使。Angel is really Angelic(?)!
Angel Beats!のキャラクターデザイン平田雄三氏のイラストを立体化した天使ちゃん、立華かなでです。一年前、グッスマが発売した1/8天使はCGで3D原型出力で作りましたけど、今回はいままで通り原型師さんより製作しました。風に揺れる薄いワンピースと細いボディ、吹かれた髪と大きく広げた翼。その柔らかさを表現するため、デジタルより手作業のほうがいいではないでしょうか。
Katsuzo Hirata, who designed Angel Beats!’s character, his latest illustration of Tenshi (Tachibana Kanade) have been sculpted into a brand new figure. The 1/8 Tenshi in 2011 by Goodsmile Company was produced from computer 3D modeling, whereas the current one was sculpted in traditional way by sculptor. In fact, the summer one-piece dress and her slim body, as well as the huge wing and her hair blowing in wind, it would be more suitable for hand-made sculpture instead of 3DCG.
Usagi, a sculptor from GSC Shanghai, has made a very cute Tenshi for us. It doesn’t followed the posture exactly from the illustration, instead, having some adjustment to make it looks more natural from all angles. Tenshi glanced upward a little bit with her delicate smile, which looks adorable and cute.
I have shooted a little bit more this time..
The wings could be detached.
The wing are left-right asymmetric. Looks nice.
It could be cast-off but non-reversable. Due to budget constraints, I have only order 1 box and not going to cut her dress…Well, the dress is made from semi-transparent PVC, so I took this shoot with back lighting XD
電撃屋で受注生産のため、価格は普通に流通するフィギュアより定価が高い。値段に相応しいクォリティと完成度も納得です。それに天使ちゃんの立体物があまり多くないから、これほどの良いものは見逃す訳にはいきません(笑)。Angel Beats!のゲームはいまでも開発中だそうですが、楽しみにしています!
Since it is a Dengekiya pre-order item, the price is higher comparing with figures in standard retail. However, Tenshi doesn’t have much figures released, It can’t be missed for Tenshi fans! Angel Beats!’s game seems under development, and I wish it could be released in near future.
Angel truly is an angel~ It appears that some of the recent figure boxes don’t feature a window for you to look at the actual figure, but a fully printed box to show off the images or the box design.
The figure gives a sense of purity and innocence, giving the character more of the angel trait. Your sky backgrounds do fit in very well too~ Sorry to hear what happens afterwards though… >_<
Thanks Q. I am not quite in favour of closed-box packing of the figure. GSC’s quality do not have much problem indeed, but recently I have got several boxes with bad QC from Bandai…
Oh, my god. いつものゆいさんの面白いブログを読み終えたらとんでもない災難。ショックなんてもんじゃないです。やっぱり羽のせいでバランスがまずかったんですね。>_<
Very nice set of pictures, I specially like the one with the back light, gets one to really start imagining (^^)b
Thanks Otakusan!! I love that, too ^^ its good to have semi-transparent material for the dress.