フィギュア | Figure

深海少女 | Deep Sea Girl

グッスマより1/8 初音ミク〜深海少女ver.になります。思えば予約は1年前でしたよね…延期を重ねて、ようやく、やっと、本当に無事発売できて嬉しいです。はるよ氏がPixivで公開したイラストを元に立体化したものですが、原型(の写真)を見た時、かなり衝撃を受けた…ここまで作り込むのスケールフィギュアは本当に商品化できるか、と。グッスマの技術力恐るべし^^;
1/8 Hatsune Miku〜Deep Sea Girl ver. by Goodsmile Company. Just realized that it has been announced a year before and finally released in May 2014. This figure is based on the illustration by Haruyo on Pixiv, and I was shocked once I saw the (photo of) original sclupture.. does it really possible for mass production?! Goodsmile really did a very good job.

The package box is huge. The surface of the whole box are pearl-coated, with blue foil-stamping wordings on it. I used to throw way figure boxes but it seems that I have to keep this.

ツインテールを外したミクもまた….天使じゃないですか。なにこれカワイイ(´ ∀`*)そして肌眩しい..
A bit worry about the quality of figure as the box doesn’t have any windows it.
Miku without twin-tail is….really lovely, and has a shinny white skin.

Twin-tail on! Volume increased drastically…

A himopantsu….no..it must be a swimsuit^^;

A very sweet and gentle smile.

The base. Gradation printing is perfect.

With the base on! Its really nicely built, almost the same as color samples in perfect quality, and thats why GSC need to delay half a year?!

今回の撮影はちょっと難航。深海少女は深海らしく撮らないといけないのに、水中撮影できない前題でどうやって海っぽくみえる?色々試したけど、最後は出力センターに頼んで水面パターンを透明フィルムで印刷し、フォトライトで水面パターンをミクに投影しようとした…青く照らしているけど、被写体の面積が小さすぎてうまく見えない^^; モニタ(テレビ)と併用するとそれっぽくみえるかな?
Having difficulties in taking photos for this figure. It would be the best to take underwater photos but seems impossible here. I try several ways and finally ask output centre to print a transparency with sea pattern, and use photo light to “project” water pattern on Miku…….Color was okey but the surface of figure was small and projected pattern didn’t appeared to be visible. Finally I used the transpancy with monitor(TV) background, does it looks ok here?

Hands and legs looks soft.

Coral reef!

Image for sea in sunny day. Well it is nothing being deep water XD

Also take a photo for the nendoroid.

Finally photoshopped an image reacting the atmosphere of the original illustration.

もはや延期が日常茶飯事になっているグッスマのスケールフィギュアですか、今回はかなり凄いことになっていますね^^; 2013年12月→2014年2月→3月→4月→5月、4度も延期されました。ここまで作り込んだすごいクオリティだったら最初から1年後発売予定にすればいいのにw
Recently scale figures from Goodsmile Company are always delayed, and the deep sea girl Miku have been delayed for 4 times! With this level of QC, it is totally no problem to announce with a year of production time XD

そうえいばグッスマオンラインストア特典のポスターはどうなるでしょう?”In Stores 2013″のままプリントされたでしょうか? 以上、初音ミク〜深海少女ver.のレビューでした。
It is a really nice figure, and I like it as much as the song and the original illustration, and it does worth for 15000yen. If I have a fish tank, I must put it inside XD
Well, I just wonder if the pre-order gift poster have changed the date..I saw something printed “In Stores 2013” on the poster at figure shops… Thats all for review for Hatusne Miku Deep Sea Girl ver.


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