ブリリアントステージ 星井美希 ローソンver. Brilliant Stange Hoshii Miki Lawson ver.
メガハウスよりブリリアントステージ・アイドルマスター2 星井美希グッドラックターコイズカラーver.です。ピンクカラーは2012年2月発売したもの、こっちはローソンのキャンペーン抽選品になります。さらに今年3月美希のイメージカラーのグリーンver.も発売になるけど、やっぱりブルーが一番好きです。最近、やっとゲットできました。
This is Hoshii Miki from Megahouse Brilliant Stage idolM@ster2 series. While pink ver. is a normal retail product in Feb 2012, the “Good luck Turquoise color” ver. is released as a campaign gift by Japanese convenient store LAWSON. There is also a green ver.(Miki’s image color) opened for pre-order now, and to be released in March 2014. Among all 3 versions, it seems that I like the blue one most.
Like the posture and facial expression. The figure just look like a single segment from the Live scene in the animation. The motion of right hand matches with the curly hair perfectly.
I made some wallpapers with the AMCG logo and set it as a background for shooting.
The figure seems looks nice from any angles.
左目のアイプリントの位置は僅にズレている… まあ仕方がない..。
The accuracy of left eye-print seems not quite good, well…can’t do anything for it.
Different from the pink ver., the cloths doesn’t coated with shinny powder, but seems having pearl finishing instead.
This is the first scale figure of Miki in my collection. Awaiting for the BD/DVD jacket series from Phat company.
Oops… Nice shooting,I haven’t seen Miku before. How did u make your shining background?
I made those wallpapers by photoshop, and use a TV as background for shooting.
Oops… It should be hard to use a TV as a background, it always has high reflective amount. How did u set your camera?
I haven’t experience reflection problem as my TV panel was semi-glossy.