フィギュア | Figure

ミクいっぱい!Many MIKUs!!

December was a month of Miku figures. Half of Goodsmile’s December product list was filled in Miku color.. As a collector for Miku nendoroid and nendoroid petit, I am not sure if I could continue to do so^^; Since there are too many Miku figures, I would introduce them in a single post.

まずは「初音ミクオーケストラ(HMO)」第2弾のCD〜「増殖気味 X≒MULTIPLIES」初回版に付けたねんどろいどぷちHMO ver.です。HMOは「イエロー・マジック・オーケストラ(YMO)」のカヴァープロジェクトらしいですから、今回のねんぷちHMOもYMOの服を着てもらいそうです。背面のパンダリュックもカワイイ。YMOのことは詳しくないけど、CDもDVDもそれなりに楽しめます。
The first one comes with Hatsune Miku Orchestra(HMO)’s 2nd CD – 増殖気味 X≒MULTIPLIES. HMO is a project using Hatsune Miku to do cover versions of the band “Yellow Magic Orchestra(YMO)”. This Nendoroid Petit HMO ver. wearing red cloths, which seems to be a symbol of YMO. The Panda backpack also looks cute. I am not quite into YMO’s music, but enjoy the CD and DVD a lot.

次は「ねんどろいどぷち 初音ミク クリスマス♪ピアノケーキVer.」です。ファミマのクリスマスケーキはねんぷちとセットで発売するものです。聖歌隊の衣装だそうですが、聖歌隊より天使に見えるじゃないですか(笑)。パールカラーの服と帽子と、シルバーのヘッドホンと翼。デザインも造形も完璧。ケーキは…届けそうにないから無理かな。食べたかったのに…
The next one is “Nendoroid Petit Hatsune Miku Christmas Piano cake ver”. It’s sold as a set with Christmas Cake at Family-mart. Miku wears church choir dress, but it looks like an angel with her wings. The pearl color and silver headphone made it looks nice! As for the cake…I do wish I could have it, too…

続きはグッスマくじ初音ミクwinter 2012です。何故か「ファミマHappyくじ」から「グッスマくじ」に変わるのも謎…販売や流通ルート関係かな。何度も言うてますが、くじ商法は感心しません。それなのにまた買ってしまった自分はどうかしています…
Lets continue with Goodsmile Kuji Hatsune Miku winter 2012. Seems the name have been changed from Family-mart Happy Kuji to Goodsmile Kuji…perhaps it is because of selling and distribution? Well, I don’t quite like Kuji as mentioned in my previous posts, however I still can’t help myself from buying this…

Usually prize G have been regarded as a lost in lucky draw(Kuji), but seem the Graphig ABS doesn’t seems to be the case. In order to produce the design, it is needed to have 6 color+ to be printed on the product, and it is nicely printed indeed.

C賞のねんどろいどぷち ミク・リン・レン アペンドセット。予想通りのクオリティー。ミクアペンドのデザインが気に入ったので、これも満足、かな。
Prize C is set of Nendoroid Petit Miku.Rin.Len. The quality is nice as expected, and I like the design of Miku Append.

Prize A Jumbo Miku is really really huge. Just like carrying a Saint Cloth box^^;
An ordinary motto for collectors “Instead of regretting for not buying sth, do regret after purchase”. I did started to regret for a little while I saw the box… I will show it lateron.

最後はB賞のミク サンタVer.です。旬の時期で発売するから、これを目当で2万円や3万円を使ってくじを引く人もいるでしょう。これほど魅力のある商品がくじじゃなくてよかったのに…。ちなみに私のもとに届いた時はクリスマス過ぎですけどね。
The last one is prize B Miku Santa ver. Since it was released before Christmas, there may be people who spend 20k-30k yen to get it. It might be better for such an attractive product not to be release as lucky draw.. by the way mine arrived right after Christmas.


There’s a few Miku coming this year – Yukata Miku, Sakura Miku, Snow Miku 2013 and Miku 2.0.. I shall collect them all ^^;

  • Otakusan

    Glad to hear all your Miku’s arrived (^^) Really enjoyed your PS shots as usual…

    1. Yui

      Thanks Otakusan!! I am glad that they could all arrived safely.
      I am now struggling to find a place for the prize A to display ^^;

  • Q

    Impressive to see this massive Miku acquisition this month! Too bad the Santa Miku could not come in time for Christmas, but there are many more Christmas days to come as the end of the world did not happen!

    I am not a fan of the stuff being sold as kuji either. You either need a lot of luck to buy what you need on the spot, or have good luck going after them at possibly dreadful prices in the aftermarket… >_<;

    1. Yui

      Thanks Q!
      I am proud to say that I didn’t have any luck for lucky draw, I won’t even try to do so. Prices are sky high at local retail stores usual for those prize A, B and C, hence I will only consider to get them from yahoo auction in the future, which is much much cheaper in comparison….


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