ソニー α7R Sony A7R
I finally managed to upgrade my camera, from NEX-3 which I have been using for 3 years, to SONY’s latest Full Frame mirrorless A7R. I am not good at writing about camera stuff, hence I may try to report it just like normal reviews for figures and product.
The NEX-3 was the first camera with inter-changeable lens with APS-C sensor, but in the form-factor of a compact camera. It was too impactful that I rushed to get it even without a trial, at the first day of launch. I used it for all dolls and figure photos in recent years, and used to carry it around as it is light and small. Have been thinking for upgrade for a year, but rumors for full-frame sensors in NEX-sized body stopped me from purchase new cameras until the launching of A7 series.
A7R is known to be the world’s smallest full-frame mirrorless camera. It is really small compare to other FF camera like SONY A99 and Canon EOS6D. The lens SEL35F28Z seems to be quite compact and well-built. However, not everyone have positive impression towards the body design of A7/A7R. As for me, I would prefer the shape of NEX-7^^;
Buttons are nicely placed. Functional buttons and dials are all settled in their own place for ease of use. It doesn’t require much reading for the instruction manual if you are familiar to Alpha system. Same as NEX, some buttons could be customized for specific function.
SEL35F28Zの最短撮影距離は0.35mだから、フィギュア撮影に不向きです。今頃専用のフルサイズ マクロレンズはまだ出ていないから、しばらく純正アダプターとAマウントのマクロレンズを使います。(しかし重くなって不便…
The minimum focus distance for SEL35F28Z is 0.35m, hence It might not be a suitable lens for figure photos >
Its better to have some actual photos than to read my boring words^^;
非フルサイズ対応レンスも一応使ってます。手元のtouit 32mmを装着すると、自動的にクロップモードを起動し、不要な部分をクロップします。
There are not too much lens for Full-frame right now, hence I tried an APS-C lens – touit 32mm here. A7R recognize it and directly changed to Crop-mode.
The crop-mode could be turned off, and there are some dark corners here. Well, lens didn’t made for Fullframe use are more or less having dark corners.
NEX-3からα7Rを乗り換えることは….まあガンダムで例えると、ジムIからニューガンダムを乗り換えるみたいな感じかな?! α7Rはシャッターを切る瞬間を忠実に記録するカメラですね。ちょっとした手ブレでも目立ってしまい、敏感に反応します。”パイロット”自身の技量がまだまだ足りないけど、これから頑張って使いこなしたいと思います。
Changing from NEX-3 to A7R… taking Gundam as an example, just like piloting Nu Gundam after using GMI for years^^; Its sensitive, and it records every motion including little hand-shaking. A7R is really a monster machine, and now its piloted by a newbie with insufficient experience and techniques. Hopefully it could be improved over time.