フィギュア | Figure

アナスタシア LOVE LAIKA Ver. | Anastasia

「ミーニャ ザヴート アナスタシア。アーニャと呼んでください」
“Меня зовут Анастасия. Um… please call me Anya.”

Phat!よりアイドルマスターシンデレラガールズ 1/8アナスタシア LOVE LAIKA Ver.になります。
1/8 Anastasia LOVE LAIKA Ver. from PhatCompany.
As a CoolP (same as Director Mishiro XD), I preordered Anya immediately when it is out, and…as usual it delayed for almost 2 month.

まるで妖精のような銀髪と湖のように澄んだ瞳はアーニャの魅力の一つ。そして淡い水色のLOVE LAIKA衣装も結構似合ってますね。
Anya is attractive with her silverly, fairy-like hair and her turquoise eyes. The LOVE LAIKA costume in pale blue fits very well, and I like the calm posture and facial expression of the figure a lot.

Comparing with the decoration master (color sample), her eyelines looks a little bit hard…or its just my thoughts.. However, some details are missing in the sculpture, especially for those small accessories.

台座。シンデレラプロジェクトとLOVE LAIKAのロゴがプリントされてます。
Stand printed with Cinderella Project logo and LOVE LAIKA logo.

Some image shoots.

Speaking of Anya, a starry sky is essential. This time I try to project with SEGA’s Homestar… but it is not quite visible..

アーニャのフィギュアは「静」だとしたら、あとで発売する新田美波LOVE LAIKA Ver.は「動」ですね。合わせて飾ればいい絵になりそう!買うかどうかまだ分からないけどね…
以上、Phat!さんの1/8アナスタシア LOVE LAIKA Ver.でした。
Opposite from Anya’s figure, the posture of 1/8 Nitta Minami LOVE LAIKA ver. is quite dynamic. It shall be great for displaying them together (but I still thinking if I will get Minami or not…
Thats all for Phat!’s 1/8 Anastasia LOVE LAIKA Ver.

  • wieselhead

    Wow, this Anastasia looks gorgeous (*^▽^)/♡
    Her beautiful face was adapted nicely and the pose is quite adorable.
    I love picture 06, 12 and 14, very good job ^^

    1. Yui

      Thanks wiselhad ^^
      I am now waiting for ALTER’s LOVE LAIKA with Rosenburg Engel(Ranko).


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