神崎蘭子〜運命の待ち人ver. | Kanzaki Ranko Awaited Person of Fate ver.
新しいフィギュアメーカーさん、kneadより1/7神崎蘭子 運命の待ち人ver.になります。
1/7 scale Kanzaki Ranko – Awaited Person of Fate ver. by new the figure maker – knead.
Ranko’s figures are usually nice but huge and expensive..well a little more brave is need for purchasing without consideration of display space. I haven’t completed Ranko collection but the bridal ver. is a nice piece to own.
We are all used to delays of figures…well, knead’s 1st scale figure product has been delayed for a year but it is still a good trade-off for better quality.
The figure truly reflect the facial expression and color of the original illustration.
Pearl blue gradation painting on dress is beautiful. The folds of wedding dress were nicely sculpted.
THE glass high-heel of Cinderella. Impressed.
Small rose decorations, bouquet and tiara have quite a lot of details. However the nickels could be done better.
Posture looks good even without the bouquet.
Image shoots. I feel like getting lost for the background setting… it is difficult to have a nice background that match such a beautiful figure.
「第2形態。傷ついた悪姫 我が名はブリュ….じゃなくてキャストオフッ!!
Sorry for keep you waiting again wwww cast-off!
破 壊 力 が 高 す ぎ 。
it’s a lethal weapon.
Well let’s turn back to normal style….
kneadさんのデレマスフィギュアは期待できそうですね。渋谷凛も神谷奈緒も北条加蓮も宜しくお願いします m(_ _)m マジて お願いします…
以上、アイドルマスターシンデレラガールズ 1/7神崎蘭子 運命の待ち人ver.でした。
It is feel like a wedding photographer while taking photos for Ranko.
knead’s IDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls figures have a very good start. Awaiting for Rin, Nao and Karen…please…
Thats all for 1/7 scale Kanzaki Ranko – Awaited Person of Fate ver.
Twintail bride ~ヾ(^∇^)
This figure of Ranko is indeed beautiful, her dress is so pretty and romantic.
Also like her delicate face with the lively eyes and the happy mouth.
The upper body and chest are sculpted so nice with smooth looking kin.
Your pictures accentuate the great looking figure very well, really beautiful.
Thanks! This is really a figure that every Ranko P should purchase XD
As a new scale figure company knead has done a really good job on it. I could feel their heart for making Ranko a nice piece of figure to be owned.