Xperia feat.HATSUNE MIKU
初音ミク携帯〜Xperia feat.HATSUNE MIKUをゲットしました。正直、今回はかなり迷いました。半年ほど使ってるiPhone 5に満足してるし、iOS7のデザインも気に入りました。5Sより高いミクスペリアは買うべきがどうか…。結論から言うと、初音ミクファンなら買っても損はしない携帯だと私は思います。
Just got the Xperia feat. HATSUNE MIKU. I really can’t make up my mind for purchasing this until even after it is launched. Have been satisfied with my half-year-old iPhone 5, and iOS7 looks nice to me. Well, in conclusion it is a nice piece to get for all Miku fans.
コラボモデルのスペックはあまり期待はしないけど、ミクスペリアのベースモデルのXperia Aは、あの旗艦モデルXperia Zとほぼ同じ構成、バランスの良いスペックになりますね。昨年購入したQ-pot.phone SH-04Dは数ヶ月で投げるレベルでした…デザインは気に入ったけど携帯として致命的なバグよく起こるから使えなくなった。ミクスペリアは長く使えるといいですね。
I didn’t have much hope on the hardware spec for those collaborate models (after I got the Q-pot.phone SH-04D last year). MikuXperia’s base model is Xperia ZR (Xperia A in Japan), which is more or less sharing the same structure with the flagship model Xperia Z, in good performance.
Inside the box, it comes with a desktop charger in custom color, and a bluetooth headset.
正面。普通のXperia Aとあまり変わらない。
Front face, almost same as Xperia ZR with a docomo logo.
リアパネルのデザインはミクv3公式イラストを描いたiXima氏と、TOHRU MiTSUHASHi氏によるものです。ミク顔より髪のモチーフのほうが好みです。逆にリアパネルがミク顔やミクシルエットだったら買わないかも?!印刷は相当苦労したようですが、本当に良く出来ました。感動です。
The rear panel is illustrated and designed by iXima(the illustrator of Miku v3 package), and TOHRU MiTSUHASHi. To me, it is nice to have Miku hair instead of a Miku face / silhouette. The printing procedures seems complicated, and the final product looks nice.
まずはMiku Downloaderで専用ソフトをダウンロードします。Google Playに通ってDocomo UIMと機種チェックを行うから、ミクスペリア以外ダウンロードできない仕組みです。
Some introduction to the original apps.
You have to install those apps from Google Play via Miku Downloader. Google play does check the phone name and docomo sim card, hence blocked download from other phones except for the MikuXperia.
The servent looks annoying. I turn it off in the first place..^^;
パノラマ壁紙以外、iXima氏やKEI氏など人気絵師のイラスト壁紙約80枚と、levan polkaなど20種類の着信サウンドがプリインストールされています。
There are Docomo home, Xperia home and Miku home for choice. I picked Miku home because it is the only home app that could use the panorama wallpaper. There are over 80 normal wallpapers illustrated by iXima, KEI and other famous illustrators, and more then 20 sounds pre-installed.
ウィジェット。Miku Weatherのイラスト、可愛い!海外の天気を対応しないからちょっと残念。Miku Antenna batteryは袖パターンのモチーフです。
Widgets. “Miku Weather” looks kawaii, but the weather app is for Japan local only. “Miku Antenna battery” uses the pattern of Miku’s sleeve to display info.
Find Vocalo-P Player。イマイチ分かりません。これアップデートすればオススメ曲が増えるでしょうか?それにしてもoverwriterはいい曲です!
“Find Vocalo-P Player”.. Not quite understand but seems there will be more and more songs after update. btw, overwriter is really a good song!
Find Creative NewsはニコニコとPixivがメインです。
“Find Creative news” shows information about Pixiv and nico nico’s update.
Miku Alarmアプリ。ミクが起こしてくれます。「朝ダヨー〜」って(笑)
“Miku Alarm” app, with Miku’s voice to wake you up.
Find your Mikuアプリ。piapro.jpで募集したイラスト400点とサウンドロゴ100点を収録します。イラストもサウンドもエクスポート出来って、壁紙や着信音として使えます。作者さんたちのpiaproページのブックマークもあります。
“Find your Miku” app. 100 Sound logos and 400 illustrations from piapro.jp have been included. It could be exported as ring tones and wallpaper, and there are bookmarks directly linked to creator’s page.
My illustration is here, too!
Xperia feat.HATSUNE MIKUはこうして有名クリエイターもユーザーたちも参加する前代未聞のプロジェクトです。うまく言えないけど、これもまた「初音ミクらしい」でしょう。
Hatsune Miku could be regarded as a very successful “User-participating content”. Hatsune Miku is a collective creation of all users. Users creation could be published through the platform named “Hatsune Miku”, regardless of being a professional or amateur. Participation is not just limited to creators, but also audiences and consumer – a carnival that everybody could enjoy.
Xperia feat.HATSUNE MIKU is a first-of-its-kind project for creating a smartphone with users together, and it is, somehow very nice representation of the “Hatsune Miku” model.
—ケース編 Case—
携帯を傷つけるのが嫌だから、早速ケース2種類買ってきました。携帯ショップはiPhoneやGalaxyばかり、Xperiaのケースはあまり売ってないorz そんなに人気ないかな? 普通の透明ケース欲しかったのに..。
I dont want my MikuXperia get hurt, so a case is essential. Mobile accessories shop have much cases for iPhone and Galaxy, but those for Xperia are quite limited… I just wished to have a normal clear case but totally cant find it…
First I tried Elecom’s soft-case. I seldom buy soft-cases but it is the only one left in shop… there are shinny powder inside the case, and looks nice. It also covers the edge of the phone, but it is too thick to put in desktop charger..
The next one is simplism’s thin cover. I finally got it from yahoo auction.
It’s thin! Super thin!.. could it protect the phone?!
Well it could be used with the desktop charger and thats convenient. Will use it for a while.
A bit late on this, but congratulations on getting your Mikuperia! It’s interesting to see how there are a lot of customised apps and settings, with fanmade content included as well. Are there much restrictions on using this particular version of Android? Nevertheless, I hope you get to use the phone to its fullest! ^^
Thanks Q! The phone runs smoothly in this 2 months, and it is still quite stable and fast. Sony / docomo may offer updates in the future, but I am not sure if it could be done outside Japan.
Great review! I just bought my xperia Miku just yesterday and it’s pretty cool! :D
I have just one question, when you buy it does it already come with a screen protector? I’m just making sure not to double the protector. after pulling off the “このシートをはがしてお使いください” sheet it seems to have a screen protector but I’m not sure if it is.
Thanks mac and congratulations for getting MikuXperia :D
As I remembered the phone didn’t come with any screen protector. The protecting sheet that you have mentioned seems to be appeared on screen protector instead of the phone. Maybe the seller already sticked a protector on your mobile before shipping? (just guess but not quite sure…)
como lo consigo?