You’re stars shine on me
一番驚いたことはアーニャちゃんの大活躍..! ソロ曲「You’re stars shine on me」、美波と一緒に「memories」、そして何よりセンターポシで力強く歌った「ガールズ・イン・ザ・フロンティア」…もうすみぺのファンとアナスタシア担当になりそう。
IDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls 6th Live @ MetLife Dome were just over. I really wish I could come in person but I could just managed to watched Day-2 Live broadcast from local cinema. It was really a great show with Seiyu-san and idols’ perfect performance. I was especially impressed by Anya, with her solo song”You’re stars shine on me”, and “memories” with Minami, as well as her performance as centre vocal for “Girls in the frontier”!
熱が冷めないうちに、今年9月発売したグッスマの1/8アナスタシア 星巡る物語Ver.を開封しよう。(3ヶ月ぶりにフィギュア撮影再開)
Phat!のLOVE LAIKA ver.もアルターのMemories Ver.もアニメ寄りのスタイルだったけど、こっちはデレステの恒常SSRイラストを立体化したものです。
Its time to open GSC’s 1/8 Anastasia: Story of Revolving Stars Ver. (haven’t been shooting figure photos for 3 months indeed..). While Phat!’s LOVE LAIKA ver. and Alter’s Memories ver. based on the TV Animation, GSC’s ver. is based on the illustration from the game Starlight Stage. It is a perfect 3D-repoduction of the 2D illustration of SSR+ Anastasia, just like one still frame of Anya’s moving performance on the stage.
I prefer GSC’s face sculpture of Anya to Alter’s and Phat!’s ver.
“Traditional uniform…the heart of Russia. Designer in Japan base on such idea and made this costume for me.”
from dialogue in the home screen
Cloths were made with every single details. The contrast of dark blue and gold looks elegant with gradation painting.
“Cool” idol logo printed on the stand. The boots looks shiny with glossy painting.
以上、グッスマの1/8アナスタシア 星巡る物語Ver.でした。
Haven’t bought GSC’s IDOLM@STER figures for quite a long time. The quality is just perfect…it would be grateful if GSC could continue to make SSR illustrations into figures.
Thats all for Goodsmile Company’s 1/8 Anastasia: Story of Revolving Stars Ver.
I really like this figure adaption of Anastasia, the uniforms dark colors give her a more mature appearance, she looks a bit like a character from a JRPG and her shoes are really awesome, too. I also like the expressive articulation of her pose, a beautiful idol (*^▽^)/
Thanks wieselhead. Have been displaying Anya on my desk for months〜It is definitely one of my favourite.
Actually Asuka Ninomiya(Limited SSR)’s costume in white color match perfectly with this Anya. I hope someday it will become a scaled figure and I definitely will purchase a copy :D