ガンダム | Gundam

「ニューガンダムは伊達じゃない!」”You are underestimating Nu Gundam!”

Robot Tamashii Nu Gundam Psycho frame ver. by Bandai. It uses transparent green plastic with pearl white painting to represent Psycho frame color. The gimmick of psycho frame transformation on MG Nu Gundam is nice, but I also like Robot Tamashii’s treatment.

It is basically the same as normal version. While comparing with some early Robot Tamashii products, Nu Gundam could do a wide range of posture without any problem.

However, Fin Funnels seems not being quite satisfactory. It falls everytime when I try to change the pose.
In addition, There are totally 6 Fin Funnel, but the box only come with 3 joints and 3 effect part. Since I do not have the expension set (which was a limited items before), 6 Funnels can’t be displayed together…

Since I don’t even have Robot Tamashii Sashibi, I use HCM-Pro as a replacement (Well, its a background^^;)
“He is here.” “He dodged it! Char!”

“My saber’s weaker than his?”

“Char!!””If it hadn’t been for you…!”

「逃がすかよ!」「捕まった? しかしもう遅い!!」
“You’re not going anywhere!””He caught me. But it’s too late!”

“I’ll use the Gundam to push back that worthless piece of rock!”
“Don’t be stupid””You are underestimating Nu Gundam!”

Its a fun to watch Amuro and Char’s quarrel.
After I purchased Wing Zero EW, its poorly painted face stopped me from buying limited Robot Tamashii…however I did pressed the purchase button after thinking for a month^^; I do hope Bandai will improve its quality control, especially for those products that users can’t have a look at least on the face through box window.
Thats all for Robot Tamashii Nu Gundam Psycho frame ver.

  • Q

    The psycho-frame activation effect is unusual looking, but it seems to look quite nice on this Robot Damashii Nu Gundam here~

    Love the last shot with Nu Gundam pushing Axis away with Char inside its hand!

    1. Yui

      Thanks Q. Its really unusual, but the finishing seems nice here. I love the scene of Nu Gundam pushing Axis in the original animation a lot.

  • otakusan

    Nu Gundam has always been my favorite Gundam, even thou the setting for this figure doesn’t really make sense in my opinion (it wasn’t made entirely of pyco-frame), it is still very nicely done ^^ And of course, your PS and photo skills adds another knotch to the product XD Thanks for saring Yui-san ^^b

    1. Yui

      Thanks Otakusan! Just like the MG, Bandai seems added some psycho frames on the whole Nu Gundam recently XD…. or perhaps, its another representation of the moment before Nu Gundam disappeared in the scene.

  • Kuuga_iwsp


    1. Yui

      不算太貴吧 XD


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